it all begins here
Do you have a startup in financial technology and need funding? Do you have an app that could disrupt a business sector or industry? Do you have an innovative business idea that will scale across countries or span a continent? We want to help the next generation of entrepreneurs realise their potential and build great products. DPN is looking for new business ideas and is open to receiving pitches from anywhere in the world.
Send us a slide deck or business proposal explaining your idea and describing what stage you are at, and the DPN Management team will review all submissions personally.
To limit the number of pitches we receive and make sure they are of high quality, submissions are only open on the first day of the month – every month of the year.
Digital Partners Network PLC (hereafter DPN) reserves the right to reply only to submissions in which the business plan or idea is viable and of interest to the DPN user base. DPN is under no obligation to respond to individual submissions.
We look forward to receiving your project proposal!
– DPN Management Team
complete your information and send us your project!
your questions, answered
FAQs to submit your pitch
What kind of products and services can I send in?
The DPN Management team is interested in financial products and services that have potential to serve a common need within the DPN network. They must be useful for a global audience, scalable and innovative.
When can I submit my pitch?
Submissions for business ideas and project pitches are open on the first day of every month, ie. August 1, September 1, October 1.
How do I submit my pitch?
Upload your documents here on this page and our management team will reach out to you if they require further information.
What do I need to include in my pitch?
We recommend you add most or all of these to your pitch document or slide deck:
1) Your Company Information
This should include your logo and startup name, as well as your contact information.
2) The Concept
Summarise the idea in a short sentence or use an image in the cover slide with a nice high resolution photo and a powerful tag line.
3) The Problem
What is the problem that your startup or service is solving? Identify the what, why, why now (urgency) and why you have the team to accomplish it.
4) The Solution
How is your startup solving this problem? How is your project providing a solution?
5) Market Size
Identify the size of the market and potential size of the opportunity. This is vital to evaluate the scale and resources needed and if it is a realisitic plan.
6) The Competition
Every business has competition. If you don’t know who you are up against, find out and list it here.
7) Competitive Advantages
What make you unique, how will you rise above competitors in your field? How can you align your purpose with your customers’.
8) The Product
List the features and benefits, demonstrate it if necessary. Use screenshots, video or links to websites or landing pages.
9) Traction
Demonstrate any results or success you have already achieved. What testing have you done? What is the feedback from users? What is the predicted trajectory of your growth?
10) Business Model
What is the basic business process for acquiring customers and generating revenues? A high-level overview of your business will help paint a clear picture of what you want to achieve and how.
11) Who is on your team?
Who are you? Who is your team? Who are your advisors? And what do they contribute to make sure your business will be a success?
12) Thank You
A final slide should include your contact information and perhaps some quotes or reviews from the press or other influencers where they say good things about your company.
What file formats do you accept for pitches?
We accept pitches in pdf or slide deck format, and they must be accompanied by a letter of intent. We will accept .docx, .pdf, .pptx, .key files, with a maximum size of 5mb.
Is my Intellectual Property (IP) protected?
All submissions remain the property of the entity who submits the pitch. DPN will not take over ownership of any idea submitted nor will DPN use the ideas to develop their own products or services. It can be the case that DPN invests in similar projects in the future however any occurrence of this would be unintentional and purely coincidental. Please read our Terms and Conditions for more information.